November 18, 2014 - Regular Meeting
Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Call to Order1. Attendance Minutes: Present: Janice Kerekes, District 1; Carol Studdard, District 2; Betsy Condon, District 3; Johnna McKinnon, District 4; Ashley Gilhousen, District 5; and Superintendent Charlie Van Zant.
Consent AgendaSuperintendent
2. C-1 Minutes of Student Hearings and Regular Meeting on October 16, 2014Attachment: Disciplinary Minutes-2014 October 16.pdf (Confidential Item) Attachment: Regular Meeting 10-16-14.pdf 3. C-2 Reschedule Regular December School Board meeting from December 18, 2014, to Tuesday, December 16, 2014 School Board Members
4. C-2A Accept resignation of School Board Attorney, J. Bruce Bickner, effective December 31, 2014 (Mrs. McKinnon)Attachment: RESIGNATION LETTER (3).pdf Deputy Superintendent
5. C-6 Warranty Reimbursement AgreementAttachment: Warranty Reimbursement Agreement.pdf 6. C-7 Vector SecurityAttachment: Vector Security.pdf 7. C-8 Memorandum of Understanding between Bright Minds Youth Development Inc. and the School District of Clay CountyAttachment: MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING-BRIGHT MINDS.pdf Human Resources
8. C-10 Affiliation Agreement with Capella UniversityAttachment: Afilliation Agreement with Capella 11 18 2014.pdf Instruction
9. C-12 Contract with Thrasher-HorneAttachment: thrasher horne for robotics.pdf 10. C-13 Affiliation Agreement between CCSD and Orange Park Medical CenterAttachment: Affiliation Agreement with OPMC Nov, 2014.pdf 11. C-14 Student TravelAttachment: Nov 2014 - Student Travel.pdf 12. C-15 Clay County Sheriff's Office Off Duty ContractAttachment: Nov 2014 - Clay County Sheriff's Office Off Duty Contract.pdf 13. C-16 Addendum to 2014-15 St. Johns River State College Dual Enrollment Articulation AgreementAttachment: Nov 2014 - Addendum to 2014-15 SJRSC Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement.pdf 14. C-17 All County Chorus Concert Consultant Services Agreeement - Michelle BendettAttachment: Nov 2014 - M. Bendett - All Chorus Consultant Agreement.pdf 15. C-18 All County Chorus Concert Consultant Services Agreement - Timothy PeterAttachment: Nov 2014 - T. Peter - All Chorus Consultant Agreement.pdf 16. C-19 SEDNET - Lutheran Services Florida (LSF) Amendment 100Attachment: SEDNET LSF Amendment 100.pdf 17. C-20 Request for Consultant ServicesAttachment: SEDNET tonier cain resume 2014.pdf Attachment: SEDNET Tonier Cain contract.pdf 18. C-21 Charter/Contract for Florida Charter Educational Foundation, Inc. d.b.a. Clay Charter Academy Business Affairs
19. C-22 Monthly Property Report - October, 2014 - Furniture/Equipment Attachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-October, 14.pdf 20. C-23 Monthly Property Report - October, 2014 - AV MaterialsAttachment: Audiovisual Report-October, 14.pdf 21. C-24 Monthly Property Report - October, 2014 - SoftwareAttachment: Software Report-October, 14.pdf 22. C-25 Monthly Property Report - October, 2014 - VehiclesAttachment: Vehicles Report-October, 14.pdf 23. C-26 Deletion of Certain Items Report - November, 2014Attachment: Deletion Report-November, 14.pdf Attachment: Deletion Report (Attachment)-November, 14.pdf 24. C-27 Approve Advertisement of Amended Notice of Tax for School Capital Outlay for 2014-15 School YearAttachment: Amended Notice of Tax for School Capital Outlay Nov2014.pdf 25. C-28 Payment of Bonds for the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Board Member(s) 26. C-29 Bank Resolutions Due to Change of School Board Chairman and Vice-Chairman 27. C-30 Agreement Between the School Board and WEX BankAttachment: The School Board of Clay CountyWEX-EEA-GGL-9-24 14.pdf Attachment: TheSchoolBoardOfClayCounty-WEX_I-9 EmployerCertificationGGL-9-24-14.pdf Attachment: WEX BANK_Fee Schedule_L4_091814.pdf 28. C-31 Budget Amendments for the Month of October, 2014Attachment: budget cover sheet(impact stmt).pdf Attachment: October 2014 Budget Amendments.pdf 29. C-32 Bid to Be Awarded November 2014 30. C-33 Warrants and Vouchers for October 2014Attachment: WARRANTS AND VOUCHERS 2014 OCT.pdf Support Services
31. C-35 Honeywell International, Inc. End Users AgreementAttachment: Honeywell End Users Agreement 11.18.14.pdf 32. C-36 Out of State Travel Notifier Fire Alarm SystemAttachment: Out of State Travel 11.18.14.pdf 33. C-37 Pre-Qualification of ContractorsAttachment: Contractor List 11,18,14.pdf 34. C-38 Clay County Utility Authority Certificate of Construction Completion for Ridgeview High School Cafeteria Expansion Phase IIAttachment: CCUA Cert of Constr Compl RHS.pdf 35. C-39 Additive Change Order #8 for Ridgeview High School Cafeteria Expansion, Phase IIAttachment: CO 8, RHS Cafe Exp.pdf 36. C-40 Final Completion of Ridgeview High School Cafeteria Expansion Phases I & IIAttachment: Final Comp RHS PH I.pdf Attachment: Final Comp RHS PH II.pdf 37. C-41 Orange Park High School Smoke Corridor Building 1, Phase I Contract AwardAttachment: Bid Tab OPH Smoke Corridor Rebid.pdf 38. C-42 Submit boundary survey on new parcel for proposed Elementary School “R” land swapAttachment: Proposed R1.pdf Attachment: Site R2.pdf Attachment: Ad_Property_Elem R.pdf
Adoption of Consent Agenda39. Adoption of Consent Agenda
Motions: | Approve the Consent Agenda with the exception of items C-3, C-4, C-5, C-9, C-11 and C-34 that were pulled to Discussion. Item C-21 was stricken from the Agenda. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Janice Kerekes | Second: Carol Studdard | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
Recognitions and Awards40. Presentation of Chairman's Plaque Minutes: Carol Studdard was presented with a plaque in appreciation of her past year of service as the School Board Chairman.
41. Administrator Advocacy Award for Karen Robinson Minutes: Mrs. Robinson was recognized for receiving the State 2014-2015 Administrator Advocacy Award for making dynamic and significant contributions to the promotion of effective school library programs and services.
Dr. Suzanne Herndon presented her with the award.
Presenters (None) Scheduled Citizen Requests42. Dianna Larkin - Recognizing and Responding to Bullying Behaviors in Student-Teacher-Administrator Interactions Minutes: Mrs. Larkin recounted her initial complaint and subsequent issue with the consequences for a dress code violation.
Discussion AgendaSuperintendent
43. D-1 Superintendent's Update Minutes: Diane Kornegay, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, gave a brief update on student performance and instructional initiatives and goals for 2014-2015. The district's AdvancED External Accreditation Review will take place March 1-4, 2015.
School Board Members
44. D-3 Authorize Superintendent of Schools, on behalf of the School Board, to contract for temporary legal services (Mrs. McKinnon) Minutes: Due to the retirement of the Board Attorney, Chairman McKinnon had submitted this item so the Board could acquire temporary legal services. Mrs. McKinnon felt it is important to have a part-time attorney for now to help with the transition and to re-evaluate what the district's needs are for legal services. Lengthy discussion ensued regarding concerns about losing the Board's authority to hire the attorney.
Motions: | Motion to approve. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Elizabeth Condon | Second: Ashley Gilhousen | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Nay | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Nay |
45. D-4 Discuss language for a revision to School Board Policy 6GX-10-1.02.F. School Board Rules, pertaining to procedures for revisions (Mrs. McKinnon) Minutes: Chairman McKinnon explained her desire to develop a new policy to set procedures that would allow the Board to work collaboratively on policy language. Following Board discussion, consensus was to bring back a drafted policy that establishes a procedure for policy revisions. Superintendent Van Zant suggested bringing the recommendation in January.
46. C-3 Approve for advertising amendments to School Board Policy 6GX-10-1.02, The District School Board (Mrs. McKinnon)Attachment: ^1.02 The District School Board .pdf
Motions: | Motion to approve. | - | | Vote Results | Motion: Ashley Gilhousen | Second: |
Motion Minutes: Motion failed for lack of a second. 47. C-4 Approve for advertising amendments to School Board Policy 6GX-10-1.03, The Superintendent of Schools (Mrs. McKinnon)Attachment: ^1.03C Salary of Supt .pdf Attachment: ^1.03 D Appointment of Superintendent.pdf Minutes: Discussion ensued following a motion by Mrs. Gilhousen and a second by Mrs. Condon to approve. Subsquently, the motion was reconsidered and changes were made to the proposed amendments.
Motions: | Approve to advertise as follows: Policy 1.03C retain the first paragraph as is but add a statement that states that any salary supplement shall be brought to the Board annually; strike the remaining paragraphs 1-4 of Policy 1.03C; approve to advertise Policy 1.03D as presented, striking the entire section. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Ashley Gilhousen | Second: Elizabeth Condon | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
48. Resolution pertaining to 2014-2015 School GradesAttachment: 11-18-14 RESOLUTION pertaining to 2014-15 school grades.pdf Minutes: After hearing rationale from Mrs. Condon who introduced this item, Chairman McKinnon agreed to allow the item be added to the agenda for good cause. The proposed Resolution would represent the School Board's appeal to the state to hold districts harmless during the 2014-2015 school year and not issue school grades nor tie 2014-2015 or 2015-2016 results to teacher and principal evaluations or to the retention of 3rd grade students.
Speakers: Renna Lee Paiva, Michelle Holt, Pam Race, and Shana Boer
Motions: | Motion to approve the Resolution | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Janice Kerekes | Second: Carol Studdard | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
Deputy Superintendent
49. C-5 Proposed Allocation Changes for 2014-2015 (Pulled by Mrs. Kerekes)Attachment: Allocation Summary - November 18, 2014.pdf Minutes: Mrs. Kerekes pulled this item expressing concern about the allocation pertaining to the Coordinator of Planning/Inter-Governmental Relations and the added allocations for Administrator on Assignment. Superintendent Van Zant noted that there will be several administrators retiring in the coming months and the need for transition. He also addressed the need for a public relations officer.
Motions: | Motion to approve | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Elizabeth Condon | Second: Ashley Gilhousen | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Nay | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Nay |
Human Resources
50. D-5 Human Resources Special Action AAttachment: Human Resources Special Action A 11 18 2014.pdf (Confidential Item)
Motions: | Motion to approve | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Studdard | Second: Janice Kerekes | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
51. C-9 Personnel Consent Agenda (Pulled by Mrs. Kerekes)Attachment: Personnel Consent Agenda 11-18-2014.pdf Minutes: Mrs. Kerekes pulled this item to express opposition to the addition of the job description for Coordinator of Communications.
Motions: | Motion to Approve | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Elizabeth Condon | Second: Ashley Gilhousen | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Nay | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Nay |
52. C-11 Approve for advertising amendments to School Board Policy 6GX-10-2.03, Position Availability (Pulled by Mrs. Kerekes)Attachment: ^2.03 Position Availability .pdf Minutes: There was Board discussion. Mrs. Kerekes and Mrs. Studdard voiced opposition to the amendments.
Motions: | Motion to approve | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Ashley Gilhousen | Second: Elizabeth Condon | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Nay | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Nay |
Business Affairs
53. D-6 Monthly Financial Report for October, 2014Attachment: MONTHLY FIN GREV Oct 2014.pdf Attachment: MONTHLY FIN GREXP Oct 2014.pdf Attachment: MONTHLY FIN DSREVEXP Oct 2014.pdf Attachment: Monthly Fin Capital Projects Oct 2014.pdf Attachment: Capital Projects By Project Oct 2014.pdf Attachment: MONTHLY FIN FOOD SERVICE Oct 2014.pdf Attachment: MONTHLY FIN SPREV42X Oct 2014.pdf Attachment: MONTHLY FIN ARRA-SPREV43X Oct 2014.pdf Attachment: MONTHLY FIN INSURANCE Oct 2014.pdf Attachment: MONTHLY FIN-Sum Cash-Oct 2014.pdf Minutes: Dr George Copeland, Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs, explained the purpose of the monthly financial report.
He stated the need to put out another RFP for benefits consultant and to see if our current services are sufficient. A board member is needed to fill the committee seat vacated by Mrs. Bullock on the Insurance Committee. Mrs. Condon volunteered to serve in this capacity..
Dr. Copeland recommended the refinance of Fund 298 (2004) and advanced refunding on 2005A. If the school district refunds at today's lower interest rates over life of COP, we could save money. He will bring the details on December 16. Dr. Copeland expects to receive the third calculation in mid-December.
Motions: | Motion to approve | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Ashley Gilhousen | Second: Janice Kerekes | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Aye | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye |
54. C-34 Approve for advertising amendments to School Board Policy 6GX-10-5.02A, General Policies, Purchasing (Pulled by Mrs. Kerekes)Attachment: ^5.02 A Bus Affairs, Purchasing.pdf Minutes: Mrs. Kerekes stated the policy as written creates oversight and accountability. Mrs. McKinnon related that many district administrators had voiced opposition when this policy was first proposed and how it would create hardships.
Motions: | Motion to approve | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Elizabeth Condon | Second: Ashley Gilhousen | Elizabeth Condon | - Aye | Ashley Gilhousen | - Aye | Janice Kerekes | - Nay | Johnna McKinnon | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Nay |
Presentations from the Audience55. Speakers Minutes: Travis Christensen - Common Core
Kelly Griffis - November 19, National Support Professionals Day
Superintendent's Requests56. Comments Minutes: Superintendent Van Zant made the following announcements:
- FLYCA Graduation will be held December 16, 2014 at 2:00 p.m
- The December School Board meeting was moved to Tuesday, December 16, 2014
- The Clay County Legislative Delegation will also meet on December 16th at the BCC Administration Bldg. at 4:00 p.m.
- Sudent disciplinary hearings will be moved to another day so the Board can attend.
School Board's Requests57. Comments Minutes: Mrs. Studdard explained the need for the Board to respond to a request from the Florida School Boards Association and cast their vote for an Alternate Director for District 8. Following discussion, consensus was to cast five votes for Mrs. Kerekes.
Board members made general comments of congratulations and appreciation for voter support in the elections.
There was brief discussion about concerns with Common Core. Mrs. Gilhousen proposed having a series of town hall meetings to discuss and hear formal concerns. Superintendent Van Zant agreed to meet with Mrs. Gilhousen to discuss this issue and bring back a recommendation.
Attorney's Requests Adjournment (10:25 p.m.) |